Art Workshop

Art Workshop at Jiyugaoka

Zuse Meyer is an internationally active German artist and poet, with teaching experiences at Tokyo Institute (2019 workshop) of Technology, Tainan National University of the Arts and Tongji Uiniversity, Shanghai.

Outline of workshop : Each single session is comprised of two parts. Zuse Meyer will first give a concise introduction to the topic of the day with a host of visual materials, of around one hour. Then, inspired through the lecture, the participants will produce their own artworks during the following three hours. There will be two tea-breaks.

Date and title : The Workshops will be dedicated to the following topics.

October and November 2019 : Flower and Garden       

December 2019 and January 2020 : Face and Hand

February/ March : Sky and Earth

Each session can be booked individually.

October 17th (Thursday) Claude Monet

October 30th (Wednesday) Paul Klee

November 6th (Wednesday) Vincent Van Gogh

November 20th (Wednesday) Henri Matisse

December 5th (Thursday) Rembrandt

December 18th (Wednesday) Picasso


January 9th (Thursday) Albrecht Durer

January 22th (Wednesday) Vincent van Gogh 

February 4th (Tuesday) William Turner
February 19th (Wednesday) Paul Cezanne

Time : 13:00-17:00
Fee : 5000yen per one session.  Including all materials and refreshment.
Venue : Aozora Bank in Jiyuagaoka
           It will be held at the first floor of this building.


☆March workshops will be held in a coffee shop, 2 minutes from Jiyugaoka-station. 

Date March 4th (Wednesday)
          March 26th (Thursday)

Time : 13:30-16:00 
Fee : 3500yen per one session.  Including all materials provided - order of drink on own account.
Venue : A coffee shop, 2 minutes from Jiyugaoka-station.

            Details about the location will be sent to you together with the confirmation of your reservation


Application : Fill in the application form. Number of participants will be limited.
           The application will be confirmed by replied mail.

If you are interested, please apply as soon as possible. 
We are looking forward to see  you soon!

Future topics:

April / May: Man and Town

June: Light and Shadow

Each participant is a unique individual and this course gives the opportunity to get in touch with one's own creativity and personal forms of expression. In the relaxed and beautiful atmosphere of Aozora Bank, within the inspiring diversity of the group and following loosely given tasks, each participant will produce around 3-5 different artworks, following different approaches and techniques. 


Past art workshop
Pictures of Spring & Autumn Workshop
Voice of participants
Outdoor Workshop 

News:1st September 2019 Magazine 'Kenkou Nihon (健康日本 通巻618号)' Pick up Zuse Meyer for article title "My Healthy Life"